Saturday, July 29, 2006

Poker withdrawals, lets have some fun

I just wanted to let everyone know that Keenan, our good buddy is dising all his poker buddies and one of the most popular games on the circuit at E's because his girlfriend is here, what! I mean next thing you know its gonna be sorry guys my girl wont let play tonight I got to hang out with her, and then the Kiki as we know him will be gone, just a figment of our imagination, a conversation piece at the poker table "hey you guys remember Kiki? Who? Kiki" and then like one or two people will say "oh yea Keenan didn't he get married or something, no his girlfriend moved in.....ohh that's what happened to him" LOL

Just kidding homey do you thing and have fun, just wanted to stir up some shit before you leave. Hope everything goes good in NY. But you still owe me a trip to A.C. dogging us like that, jeesh.


  1. LOL...This coming from the guy who just got on the circuit. :)

    Don't worry, I'll be back to make it "The Ocho" behind all your limps on Wednesday!

    Wish me luck!

  2. Thats how I roll..... ;) Good luck homey!

  3. LOL. Rick must have some atomic pimp hand, because the way he talks, his woman never complains. I myself feel Keenans pain, and you gotta respect a man who loves his lady enough to grant her some wishes now and then.

    Lord knows Im pussy whipped like a motherfucker.

    I think Rick just likes being a

  4. Oh, and from one poker blogger to another, dude, do a punctuation and spell check once in awhile.



  5. WOW!!! I love being a dick actually, too bad people that dont know me too well think I'm really this way all the time. And for the record I treat my lady quite well thats why I get to do all the stuff I do. I hope Kennan knows I'm just joking with him.

    Dude spell check, punctuation, proof reading are you kidding me I do it all the time, my shit isnt that bad!

  6. LOL. I can see where you might have skipped a few too many English classes, thats all Im saying.

  7. For the record, youve never been a dick to me, but Im sure Ill catch some of your slack eventually.
